Tuesday, March 17, 2009


"I am the beloved. I am God's chosen one."

This was the premise of Jeff's (one of my church's teaching pastors) sermon on Sunday. He spoke of how despite the fact that the world may try to tear us down, we are God's beloved ones. He is well pleased with and delights in us. This initial message alone struck my heart with a hammer.

Then later that afternoon I continued to ponder this idea of being God's beloved. All of these thoughts led to the realization that no boy has EVER loved me the way God has (nor will they ever be able to). Furthermore, no boy has ever even thought as highly of me as God has. Despite the fact that this is hard to admit, I feel I need to share this openly, otherwise the wounds only grow deeper-I feel that I have never truly been a boy's first choice girl. If a boy were to confront me today and tell me I'm wrong, I'll gladly take his word for it. However, I feel I have never been treated this way. There's always something "wrong" with me or there's a girl that they wish I could be more like. They wish I could play this instrument instead of that one, compete in some other sport or dress differently than I do.

side note: all of this is not to say the guys I've dated are not GREAT guys! They just aren't the guys for me, nor am I the girl for them.

The fact of the matter is, I am who I am. As far as I'm concerned, that should be good enough. For God, that IS good enough. In fact, to Him I'm wonderful.

After processing through all of this I realized even more so how important it is that I have given my heart to God to hold until it's ready to be given away. I want only God's best for my life.

I know that I deserve this. I know that ALL of us deserve this.

WE are His beloved. WE are His chosen ones.



  1. I'm so glad you thought through this. God has been molding you into such an incredible person Regan. Trust me, there'll be plenty of guys who will want you. Probably too much. haha. You'll be bombarded and won't know what to do. jk. but seriously... You've got an incredible future going for you.

  2. thanks so much Scott-that means a lot to me =]

  3. Hmm. This was a pretty open blog-thingy. I like it..
