Tuesday, July 7, 2009


What images come to mind when the word "worship" is stated?

For many, the image that appears has something to do with music, singing, instruments, etc. However, this was not the case for a second grade girl at my church. When asked "What is worship?" This young girl did not say "music!" or "singing!" As her hand bounded into the air she replied "PRAYING!"


conversation with God.

being still and listening.

this is her idea of worship.

I am often frustrated with those my age who say "Worship was awesome tonight! The music was incredible!" Yes, music is a part of what worship is, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. We are called to worship God with our lives, not just with our songs. We worship God with our actions, words and even thoughts. It's about a lifestyle, not a moment.

One definition of worship that Webster offers is this: extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem.

extravagant respect.

These can be shown through music, but it doesn't stop there. We must show extravagant respect with our lives.

Another concept of worship that was brought by a 1st grade girl was that we can "help our parents out around the house." We are honoring our parents and showing them respect. As a result, we are honoring God and showing Him respect because He first commanded us to honor our parents.

Music has and will always be a very important part of my life. I worship God through music, connect to Him through music, hear God through music, etc. But if I were to say, "Music is THE way I worship," I can guarantee that in that moment I would be breaking the Father's heart.

Worship is more than just a Sunday morning thing.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some unfinished "worship" left to do with the dirty dishes in the sink. =]

1 comment:

  1. I will not deny you your opinion at all, because I actually share the same. I just think that people think of music as worship because it's what hits them so heavy, that's the best way that we relate to things. ESPECIALLY in our culture. Which is good for me, people like me more cause I can lead the music well :). But yes, worship is a lifestyle. I would encourage you to read Praise Habit by David Crowder, he writes eloquently in that about worship.
